Sunday, April 13, 2014

How i tricked IntelliJ IDEA ultimate edition to keep running even after the trial period.

Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition allow to use its IDE for 30 days for free but after that it ask you to register else it get closed after every 30 minutes run, which is bad bad bad :(

So what i noticed and did to overcome this, i wanted to share with you all.Actually, i noticed that its IDE saves the current system time and on basis of that it gets closed after 30 minutes.

So i created a batch script which reset the time every 20 minutes so the IDE run time does not over and you get it running till you want :) :) :) :)

Copy and save the below commands with name 'tReset.bat' and start after starting your Intellij ultimate edition. <!-Code Start--->
@echo off

REM : Save the current time in a variable
FOR /F %%G IN ('time /t') DO Set cTime=%%G

REM Displaye current time
echo %cTime%

REM Sleep for 20 minutes
Sleep 20

REM Reset the time
time %cTime%

goto start
<!-Code End--->
Thanks :) :) :)

NOTE:  You can use it the above solution at your own for personal use and make sure your system is not a part of Active Directory because in that case your system may get out of sync with AD :\

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